Family adventure

Active family

It is fun to do activities together.

With the active family you are welcome to readymade beds in the cottages and during your stay of two days you decide in what order you want the activities.

Pentathlon, football golf, cayaking, biking and bathing in the wilderness spa. Explore the woods with leads from a e-book reader.



Digital detox in nature

24 hours without phone, computer and e-book reader!

Is that possible?

We gather your phones by arrival, only to be returned at departure. These 24 hours will be spent together and with open fire as a kitchen. Hang out, enjoy and find each other with accomodation in side-cottage as in the old days.



The forest adventure

Learn more about the forrests and nature.

In the forest adventure you and your family will get instructions in how to reside in the woods, what trees and plants that grow there, how the wildlife is in the forrest and the lake. We make a fire without matches and make our own fishing rods to try the fishing luck in the remote ponds of the forrest.

Time together with energy from the woods.