
Price for different bikes denoted below

There is a map available in Café Mangelboden to show you the tourist attractions and routes on our 28 km long bikeride around Ramkvilla. Furthermore there are plenty of paths and lanes to explore in genuine Swedish idyll. We can assist with preparing picnic baskets and arranging with bikes and maps and more. For an overview of the Highland trails there are maps to see here

Klockesjön (the lake) around 9.6 km

A simple route appropriate for biking, hiking or running. Contact with the lake during the entire route.

Ramoa -Skärbäck -Ramoa 23,2 km

A more difficult trip with more difference in hight. Dirt roads and some asfalt.

Ramoa - Skärbäck -Ramkvilla - Lövås - Ramoa 28 km

Experience the northern parts of the Ramkvilla district with the Lövås-lake and the floating islands.


kind of bike quantity per 24 hours

no gears lady

10 190 kr

7-gears lady

6 290 kr

Mountainbike 29"

6 490 kr

Tandembikel 3-gears

1 290 kr


